Smirnoff’s “Tea Partay”: All Eyes on Viral Video

Tea PartayAndrew Hampp writes about how the magic number for traditional ad campaigns was to generate millions of dollars in retail sales. Today, it’s generating 1 million views on YouTube. Smirnoff’s comical and clever “Tea Partay” garnered 1.3 million views in just two months on YouTube.

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Filed under Branding, Business, marketing, Online marketing tactics, Viral, Word-of-Mouth

2 responses to “Smirnoff’s “Tea Partay”: All Eyes on Viral Video

  1. Smirnoff really went about this the right way. They clearly understand what YouTube is all about, and created a video that’s a winner with that audience. Very cool.

  2. This has taken Target Marketing to a New High… no pun intended.

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